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Spring Term

Children should be collected from the school playground at the end of the club.


DayClubStart Date/Finish DateTimeContact
MondayYoung Voices Choir 13th January 20253.30pmMrs L Allan
 KS1 & KS2 Music 13th January 20253.30pmMrs B Greenyer-Smith
 KS2 Netball 13th January 2025 3.30pmMiss R Frith 
 Y6 SATS Club 13th January 20253.30pmMiss J Hoy 
Wednesday KS1 & KS2 Lego/Drawing 15th January 2025 3.30pmMiss C Mason 


Y6 SATS Club 15th January 20253.30pmMiss J Hoy 
 Football 8th January 20253.30pmMr D Radley 
Thursday KS2 Creative Writing 30th January 20253.30pmMiss L Knights 


