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Our Curriculum 

At Trinity St. Mary’s C of E Primary School, we are keen for our children to develop a love of learning! We strive to ensure that all of our children aim to be the best that they can be. Our curriculum reflects the requirements of the National Curriculum. We ensure that our children receive their entitlement to the National Curriculum through meaningful, enjoyable, rich and relevant learning experiences which encourage a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. 


Learning for the More Able at Trinity St. Mary’s C of E Primary School 

Within our school we have many children who are more able, including those with a range of talents and abilities.  As educators, we seek to foster these talents and abilities wherever we find them, and take seriously the need to inspire our learners, to not only meet their full potential, but to discover their aptitudes and awaken their interests.  Our school acknowledges that a child’s higher level of ability or talent may be subject specific, or more general, or in a particular skill area. 


In learning, within any subject, we strive to enable the children to become confident and perceptive questioners and to share their point of view in a reasoned and respectful way.  This focus on discussion enables children to extend their thinking to a higher level. 


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Trinity St. Mary’s C of E Primary School, we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with a high quality education. Our curriculum promotes learning, personal growth and development. Further information can be found in the SEN Information and policy . If you would like to discuss any SEND requirements that your child may have, please contact the school to arrange an appointment. 

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
