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Welcome to our Governors’ section.

Dear Parents/Carers and Pupils,


Welcome to the Trinity St Mary's C of E Primary School Governors Page.

We are extremely fortunate at Trinity St Mary's, to have a governing body who are committed,  together with the staff,  to achieve the very best outcomes for all of our pupils.  

We endeavour for your children to be happy and well educated during their journey through the school. 

Regards and very best wishes to you all.


Karen Munro.

Chair of Governors.





In accordance with Government requirements for all governing bodies, the 3 core strategic functions of Trinity St. Mary’s Church of England Primary School Governing Body are:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


GOVERNANCE 2022/2023



Trinity St. Mary’s was well prepared for the inspection which eventually took place in March 2023.  After a thorough two day investigation and meetings with pupils, staff and governors, the school was judged to be GOOD.  Although this is the same judgement as held previously, it is worth noting that the OFSTED framework and assessment have changed considerably since the last inspection.  Great credit is due to Miss Hoy, Mrs Allan and the whole staff team who work tirelessly to maintain the standards in our school, guiding every pupil to reach their full potential.



Governors received Teaching and Learning updates, also detailed information regarding subject areas, SEND, assessment and the tracking of pupil progress across the year.  Plans for the spending of Pupil and Sports premiums funds were discussed and reports and recommendations received following visits from school improvement partners from Essex County Council and Chelmsford diocese.  To enable subject monitoring all governors have been invited to attend staff meetings where subject leaders have discussed the curricular Intent, Implementation and Impact of their individual areas.


The Admissions committee were not required to meet during this year.



The school budget is managed by our School Business Manager, together with the Headteacher and overseen by governors.  Regular updates have been received and termly meetings held to discuss financial matters and issues regarding the school premises, including catering.  A project to install LED lighting throughout the school was undertaken.  Joint premises meetings were held with St. Joseph’s, addressing items of relevance to both schools.  Audit reports were received across the year and the results of a School Resource Management review led to many detailed discussions for the Full Governing body regarding decisions for the future of Trinity St. Mary’s.


During this year, Governors have been fortunate to participate in the life of our school and to visit the school on many occasions.  These have included subject themed days, the launch of our School Vision and observing the variety of work across Detective week.  Governors have also joined pupils on trips out of school and accompanied swimming classes.

During 2022/23 we have welcomed Mrs Helen Brown as an elected Parent governor.  Some long serving governors have departed the governing body, Mrs Debra Olsen and Ms. Maureen Ponton served Trinity St. Mary’s for several years, Maureen also provided a link with our neighbours, St. Joseph’s, whilst being a governor at both schools.  Reverend Carol Ball retried as the minister of Holy Trinity Church and stepped down from her ex-officio role as a governor.  We are grateful to them all for their valuable contributions to Trinity St. Mary’s and wish them well in their future endeavours.  Arrangements are under way to fill these vacancies.  


Governor plans for 2023-2024 

Whilst maintaining their regular duties, governors will monitor and review the impact of changes in the school within the new ‘Hearts’ structure.  They will also consider any opportunities for the re-opening of the Pre-school and TSM use of the associated facilities in the interim. 



The governors may be contacted through the Chair, Mrs Karen Munro, via the school office.

Governor Business Interests 2023-2024
